Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My interview with Author, Sandra Cox!

Today I’m interviewing Sandra Cox. Her book, SUNDIAL is a time travel romance and was released on October 15, 2010.

Please tell my readers a little bit about your book.
Sarah Miles is a successful garden painter. When painting a garden she finds an ancient sundial with the words, ‘fate cannot be altered’. When she touches it, it transports her back to the battle of San Jacinto. There she meets Jesse Adams, Sam Houston’s right hand man, the man she unknowingly went back in time to find.

Describe the genre of this particular title, and is this the only genre you write in?
SUNDIAL is a time travel romance.
I’m a genre hopper. I write YA fantasy, crossover YA, paranormal romance, historical romance, time travel romance, and nonfiction metaphysical.

When did you start writing toward publication?
I started writing a long time ago. I got published about four years ago.

Did you have several manuscripts finished before you sold? If so, did you send them out yourself?
I had a couple manuscripts written before I sold. I had an agent for awhile. But I actually sold after I went out on my own.

What is your writing routine like?
It varies. In the winter, I often write in the ‘mole hole’ (our basement). And in the summer I write in the screened in porch that overlooks my gardens and bird feeders.

What sort of promo do you do? Do you have help?
I would absolutely love to have a publicist, but currently I do my own. I blog and run contests and do a little twittering.

Will you share some encouraging words for authors still struggling for that first contract?
Keep sending your work out, get or stay in a critique group. If something doesn’t sell move on to the next project. You can always go back and pick up your first.
Don’t give up. It will happen.

What’s next for you?
I’m currently working on the third book in my Hunter Series. The Series is based around Zoe Tempest, a vampire hunter and her cousin Jolene Sayre, a werewolf hunter.

As Sarah Miles drives down Eighteenth Street a stranger materializes in front of her car. She throws on her brakes, braces for impact and….drives straight through him. For a brief moment, his voice filled with quiet despair echoes in her head. “Saura. Saura.” Then he is gone. Later that day, Sarah discovers the SUNDIAL and her incredible journey through time begins.
A little bit about the author
Multi-published author Sandra Cox lives with her husband, five cats, a dog and an occasional foster cat in sunny North Carolina. You can see the menagerie at http://www.sandracox1.com/.

The stallion reared. Sarah clung to Jesse, dangling off the ground.

Jesse brought the horse under control. A flush of irritation reddened the hard planes of his face. “Let go dammit.”

She slid to the ground, stumbled and landed on her rump in the soggy marsh grass.

Jesse looked down at her as he gathered his reins. “Next time, throw your leg all the way over and don’t kick the poor beast to death. I wish I could say it’s been a pleasure. What I can say, with certainty, is it’s been damn peculiar.”

He tightened his knees. The stallion reared, making her scoot backwards on her bottom.
He gave her an elegant half-bow. “Ma’am.”

“You always were an arrogant bastard.” Sarah could feel her eyes flash sparks of anger even while she thought how would I know that?

“And you were always an imp of Satan,” he shot back. The words were no sooner out than a look of bewilderment settled over his handsome features.

For one frozen moment his eyes met hers. Time fell away. Recognition passed between them.
She felt her heart jump and her breath quicken.

Then Jesse made a violent motion with his hand, rejection clearly written on his face. Wheeling his horse, he raced away.


SUNDIAL can be purchased in e or paper at http://www.classactbooks.com/

For a chance to win an autographed copy of SUNDIAL, a ‘seeing’ pendant, and a gift card to Starbucks just go to http://www.sandracox.blogspot.com/. and leave a comment mentioning Sarah and SUNDIAL.

How can my readers buy your book?
Readers can go to the publisher’s home page at http://www.classactbooks.com/.
You can find more information about Sandra Cox and and her book SUNDIAL by visiting http://sandracox1.com/. or http://sandracox.blogspot.com/.


  1. I noticed on your live feed, you're getting traffic from Lafayette. I used to live there.

  2. Sandra, that is too cool! I live in Delphi. I'm 20 minutes from there. It's a small world.

    It is my honor to host you! The book sounds very interesting and I can't wait to read it! Good luck in your future!

    GO BOILERS!!!!!!!

  3. Sandra is a great writer, an amazing person and I do love those lads on the right!

  4. Hey Sarah, I worked at Purdue for over ten years:)

    Julia, They are pretty aren't they?:)

  5. Thanks ladies. I am glad you like them! I can't help but peek when I come to my site. I think I might be my own stalker! LOL!
